Live Piano Ballads at City Winery

Orange - Your Lie In April
The Anime Band's English cover of "Orange" from Your Lie In April, originally by Seven Oops, performed live as a piano ballad at City Winery!

Mukanjyo - Vinland Saga
The Anime Band's English cover of "Mukanjyo" from Vinland Sage, originally by Survive Said The Prophet, performed live as a piano ballad at City Winery!

Again - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
The Anime Band's English cover of Again from Fullmetal Alchemist, originally by Yui, performed live as a piano ballad at City Winery!
Live Acoustic at New Dimension Comics

Again - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
The Anime Band's English cover of Again from Fullmetal Alchemist, originally by Yui, performed live acoustic at New Dimension Comics!

Haruka Kanata - Naruto
The Anime Band's English cover of Haruka Kanata from Naruto, originally by Asian Kung-Fu Generation, performed live acoustic at New Dimension Comics!