Artist Dealers
Anime Night is a concert first, but that doesn’t make it a convention second. We may not operate with a full artist alley, but part of what we pride ourselves on is handpicking local artist dealers for each show, similarly to how we feature guest musicians. With an event as intimate as ours, we strive to find the anime fan in the art, and we prioritize artist’s inspiration that falls the closest in line with our vision.

Vendor Rules
1. No bootleg merchandise.
2. Vendors must contain their display to their assigned areas.
3. State tax is the responsibility of the artist/vendor to collect according to state laws.
4. Vendors will be fully responsible for their own properties at all times. Vendors will not hold Mossdeep Entertainment or any other affiliated promoters liable for any injuries, damages, losses, or thefts to either the vendor or the vendor’s property in any way.
5. All vendor spots are considered final once contracted and invoices are paid. You will not be announced until this has been completed and spots are non-refundable.
6. Any sellers must be old enough to attend the event within it's set age restrictions. Most events are 18+, but some are 21+.
7. Any excessive hentai or pornography is not prohibited. Anime Night is always at least an 18+ event, it's okay if your merchandise is a little seductive or risque. However, please no extreme sexual or graphic content.
8. Dangerous merchandise, including, but not limited to: weapons, loud noisemakers, combustible items, and items that could easily cause harm.
9. No directly competitive vendors. I.E. If a manga shop was already announced for a specific date, we won't book a second one.
10. Merchandise and/or art must be directly related to anime/manga or must be within the realm of anime-adjacent culture. At times we select vendors that don't immediately fit this mold, but design products specifically for this event. If you fit in this category, please let us know in your submission.
11. Exhibitors may not display foul language or other offensive slogans, innuendo, or materials in their space. Political propaganda that others may find offensive is prohibited. No symbols of hate or implied symbols of hate will be tolerated. Failure to comply is grounds for removal from the show without a refund.
12. All vendors/exhibitors/artists hereby acknowledge that Anime Night is not responsible for and will NOT provide or maintain insurance coverage for vendors/exhibitors' persons or property, and it is the exhibiting party’s sole responsibility to obtain insurance covering loss.
13. No clothing company vendors. Anime Night runs it's owns clothing collective that sells at every event, and for the sake of not competing with other brands, we don't book clothing vendors at our events. That being said, if you are a retail vendor/artist dealer that carries apparel in addition to other inventory, please make it known to us when booking so we can make a decision on what would be permissable.
14. Exhibitor badges are non-transferable. They may not be sold or used as prizes or giveaways. Exhibitor personnel must wear official Show Exhibitor badges at all times during move-in, show days, and move-out. Please do not give Exhibitor Badges to anyone other than your full-time employees and remove all badges from the building when you leave on your last day there.
15. All exhibitors agree to hold blameless Anime Night, Mossdeep Entertainment, LLC, and all affiliated companies of Anime Night staff members and workers against any loss, damage, theft, expenses, claims, or actions arising from any personal or property damage, loss or theft due to said exhibitors participation in any event bearing the name Anime Night.
Get Featured at Anime Night!
Since we operate in concert spaces that are much smaller in size than a convention hall, we have limited space for artist alley guests at our event. The amount of tables we can accomdate varies widely by venue. That being said, we love partnering with local communities to bring unique artist dealers to our party, and we're constantly looking for new vendors to set up shop at our event. If you're interested in being considered, please fill out the submission form below so we can learn more!
2/06 - Chicago, IL
2/07 - Indianapolis, IN
Apply Here -
2/08 - Ferndale, MI
Apply Here -
2/21 - Philadelphia, PA
Apply Here -
2/22 - Baltimore, MD
Apply Here -
2/28 - Richmond, VA
3/01 - Norfolk, VA
Apply Here