Sam Quatrini
"Hear me, subjects of Ymir"
Sam had discovered Attack on Titan and had both a musical and weeb awakening all at once. As a long time friend and co-musician of many of the other performing musicians, we knew he was the right choice for the job, but undeniably, he had been a bit further away culturally from understanding exactly what this was, and what we were doing. Sam grew up watching Dragon Ball Z, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, all the core series we all saw as a kid, but didn't continue as an adult for no reason in particular. We began showing him some of the music we were playing, and obsessed with the styles and sounds, he took it upon himself to watch Attack on Titan in completion as his first return to anime, and he hasn't been the same since.
From that point on, he joined the band, began his anime journey, and decided he wanted to front "The Rumbling", having the largest background playing metal and hardcore music. He sent us one demo and the rest was history. You can catch Sam playing rhythm guitar full time for The Anime Band, as well as playing in his other projects like A Moment In Pompeii or Atlantic Wasteland. He's incredibly friendly and loves meeting fans at the merch table, just don't talk to him about Rengoku or Sasha. He's been taking it kind of hard.
Instrument: Rhythm Guitar/Vocals
Favorite Anime: Attack on Titan
Favorite Anisong: The Rumbling (Attack on Titan)
Favorite Character: Kyojuro Rengoku (Demon Slayer)